Geological Conservation Review
Cave Surveys - North of England
Karst and Caves of Great Britain (1997)
Waltham, A.C., Simms, M.J., Farrant, A.R., Goldie, H.S.
GCR Birks Fell Cave And Redmire Pot
GCR Boreham Cave
GCR Chapel Beck
GCR Chapel-le-Dale
GCR Cliffe Force Cave
GCR Conistone Area
GCR Dentdale
GCR Ease Gill and Leck Fell
GCR Eden Sike Cave
GCR Fairy Holes
GCR Fell End Clouds
GCR Fountains Fell
GCR Foxholes
GCR Gait Barrows
GCR Gaping Gill
GCR Giants grave Caves
GCR Great Asby Scar
GCR Hale Moss Cave
GCR High Mark Closed Depressions
GCR Hutton Roof Area
GCR Ingleborough Caves
GCR Ingleborough
GCR Keld Head
GCR Kingsdale
GCR Knock Fell Caverns
GCR Langcliffe and Mossdale
GCR Leck Fell and Ireby Fell
GCR Leck Fell Elevation
GCR Lost Johns Entrance Series
GCR Malham Area
GCR Malham Elevations
GCR Musgrave Scar
GCR New Goyden Elevation
GCR Nidderdale
GCR Penyghent and Fountains Fell
GCR Penyghent Pot
GCR Red Moss Pot
GCR Scales Moor
GCR Sleets Gill and Dowkabottom Caves
GCR South Ingleborough Geology
GCR Strans Gill Pot Elevation
GCR Stump Cross and Mongo Gill
GCR White Scar Cave
GCR Yorkshire Dales Geology